I have questions about the postgraduate training programme in radiation oncology/radiotherapy. Whom should I contact?
If you have questions about the postgraduate training programme, e.g. regarding duration or recognition of a programme of postgraduate training, you can use the > SIWF/ISFM online portal to submit an enquiry to the responsible Titles Commission (TC). The enquiry will usually be answered by means of the creation of a postgraduate training plan. It should be recorded in the postgraduate training plan which postgraduate training is already recognised and which postgraduate training you still require in order to be able to apply for the specialist title in radiation oncology/radiotherapy.
I have questions about the catalogue of learning objectives in radiation oncology/radiotherapy. Whom should I contact?
The catalogue of learning objectives is specified in detail in the postgraduate training programme under point “3. Contents of postgraduate training”; this also includes the number of achievements to be attained, which must be documented in the e-Logbook. If you have any additional/further questions about the catalogue of learning objectives, please contact the head office of the SSRO, where the enquiry will be forwarded to the appropriate person in the postgraduate training commission of the SSRO.
Which Swiss hospitals are authorised to provide postgraduate training for radiation oncology/radiotherapy?
You will find all recognised hospitals (A and B hospitals) in the SIWF/ISFM online portal > list of recognised postgraduate training centres.
I would like a period of postgraduate training abroad to be taken into account. What do I have to do?
Before taking up a post abroad it is advisable to use the > SIWF/ISFM online portal to submit an enquiry to the Titles Commission (TC). Based on the documents you submit, the Titles Commission will decide whether and to what extent the period of postgraduate training abroad can be recognised.
I would like my work in research to be taken into account in the postgraduate training in radiation oncology/radiotherapy. What do I have to do?
Before taking up a research post (in Switzerland or abroad) it is advisable to use the > SIWF/ISFM online portal to submit an enquiry to the Titles Commission (TC). Based on the documents you submit, the Titles Commission will decide whether and to what extent your research period can be recognised.
I wish to carry out a workplace-based assessment (WPBA). Where do I find the necessary information and documents?
It is important for doctors undergoing postgraduate training that WPBAs are carried out regularly, that the relevant superiors assume responsibility for them and ensure that they are arranged. For further information, see > workplace-based assessment (WPBA).
Do I have to keep an e-Logbook?
All doctors must use the e-Logbook. Applications for certification and assessments of level of expertise can only be submitted via the e-Logbook.
Are workplace-based assessments part of the e-Logbook?
No. The workplace-based assessments are recorded and evaluated using separate forms. Only if and when the evaluation took place is to be recorded on the e-Logbook certificate.
Is the annual evaluation interview part of the e-Logbook?
Yes. The annual evaluation interview is a component of the SIWF/ISFM certificate.
I have a question about the specialist examination. Whom should I contact?
Please address questions about the specialist examination to the head office of SSRO (info@sro-ssro.ch, tel. +41 61 690 92 13), where your question will be forwarded to the Examination Board of the SSRO.
I would like to apply for a specialist title in radiation oncology/radiotherapy. Whom should I contact?
Please use the SIWF/ISFM online portal to submit your application to the responsible Titles Commission (TC).
I have a foreign specialist title for radiation oncology/radiotherapy. Can I have my title recognised in Switzerland?
For recognition of a foreign specialist title you must contact the > Federal Office of Public Health (BAG).
I disagree with the decision of the Titles Commission (TC) or the Commission for Postgraduate Training Centres (CPTC). Whom should I contact?
You are legally entitled to appeal against decisions of the TC and the CPTC. Please submit your appeal to the Appeals Commission for Postgraduate Training Titles (AC PTT) or the > Appeals Commission for Postgraduate Training Centres (AC PTC) of the SIWF/ISFM.
Schweizerisches Institut für ärztliche Weiter- und Fortbildung / Institut suisse pour la formation médicale postgraduée et continue
SSwiss Institute of Medical Education
Titles Commission
Commission comprising a representative of the medical speciality society, a representative of the SIME and the SIME President. Responsible for the conferral of specialist titles.
Commission for Postgraduate Training Centres
Commission comprising a representative of the medical speciality society, a representative of the SIME and the SIME President. Responsible for the recognition of a hospital as a postgraduate training centre for a medical specialisation.